
Monday, July 11, 2011

Floating & Sinking

In Integrated Studies, we all wrote something about “Sinking and Floating”. Mrs Ana filled our recycle container with water and tested some objects in the water. Some of the objects of course sank and float. The objects were Staples, Kiwifruits, Apples, Bananas, Dice, Wooden Blocks, Plastic Blocks, Candle holders, Rubber Foams, Crayons and Pebbles. Mostly all of the objects floated because of gravity reason and weight.

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Summery

Look at all the miracles this man is doing.
one of them named Caiaphas who was high priest that year,said what fools you are !.
ONE MAN DIE for all the people instead of the whole nation destroyed.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Homework or No homework

Homework is good.
Homework helps me with my learning. I practise what I learnt in class. It helped me to improve. I like doing Maths homework. I got better in my maths and
my reading.

Firstly is boring if there is no work to do at home.
With out homework I will just watching television
with out learning anything.I think homework is good.
Homework helps me with my learning. I practise what I learnt in class. It helped me to improve. I like doing Maths
homework. I got better in my maths.

It is boring if there is no work to do at home.
With out homework I will just watching television
with out learning anything.